Thank you for volunteering your time as a Room Parent! You provide an invaluable service to Garrison Mill. In addition to coordinating class centers and participation in school programs, our Room Parents are the main source of communication between the GMPTA, your teacher, the administration and the parents in your class.
Important Reminders & Resources
Crucial to have your Parents register for the GMPTA website! This is the source of the Student/Parent Directory and the origin of all email communication from GM and their student's classroom(s). The PTA's website will also be the go-to place for events, activities, registrations, and purchases for all of Garrison Mill's PTA-sponsored programs and events.
- All documents that you distribute to your parents must be approved by Joanne Fleming (in the front office) prior to copying. All copies are to be made on yellow paper. Please allow one week for approval.
- Email Communication is done through Start at the Dashboard link, top right after login to OR click here.
To access the website dashboard and generate an email to your class, please click here.
View the Email Newsletter Tutorial here.
Class Directory
Your classroom directory is generated from the website and requires all of your parents to register and add their student.
Room Parent Class Directory (you must be logged in to access)
To access the admin interface for your directory, please click here and select your teacher.
At this time, you are only able to View the directory, please send a request to to receive a file in Microsoft Excel. The excel file will contain all information listed on the Directory screen, including name, email, address, telephone contacts for both Parent 1 and Parent 2.
Please note that all registered users are able to access the entire GM Directory via the website & the Membership Toolkit App, however only Room Parents can sort and view by classroom/teacher.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 24
- Tuesday, February 25
- Wednesday, February 26
- Thursday, February 27